注目の島 - 🧁🍪 Bakery Breakout Prop Hunt🍦🍩
Guards - Find all the thieves before closing time and throw them in jail. Win when all the thieves have been captured.
Thieves - Don't get caught! Rescue teammates from capture by finding a secret button.
Find the secret areas!
By Callybelle
🧁 Prop hunt with a unique twist.
🍦 Guards - Find all the thieves before closing time and throw them in jail. Win when all the thieves have been captured.
🍬 Thieves - Don't get caught! Rescue teammates from capture by finding a secret button.
🍩 Lots of fun with friends!
最大人数: 15
最大チーム数: 2 (最大 15 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能