注目の島 - Super Dragonball Boxfight PVP
16 Unique Dragonball Abilities
Custom Audio and VFX
Up to 12 Players
By CheeseEater65
Dragonball Themed Boxfight
16 Unique Abilities
Goku - Ultra Instinct & Spirit Bomb
Vegeta - Galick Gun & Majin Vegeta
Gohan - Transform to SSJ2
Shenron - ?????
Broly - More Health & Double Pump
Cell - Instant Transmission
Buu - Reincarnate
Hit - Freeze Time
Beerus - Destroy Builds
Roshi - Invisibility
Trunks - Fire Attacks & Sword
Goku Black - Ki Scythe & Buffed Melee
Frieza - Low Gravity & Alien Weapons
Piccolo - Special Beam Cannon
Androids - Instant Reload
Bulma - Future Weapons
Made in UEFN
最大人数: 12
最大チーム数: 12 (最大 12 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能