注目の島 - ⛏️ FORT-HERO BOX PVP 📦
📦 Fort-Hero Box PVP with 24+ Powers
🔥 24 New and Exciting Powers
💣Have Fun:)
By MythicBotッ
📦 Fort-Hero Box PVP with 24+ Powers
🔥 24 New and Exciting Powers
💎 Low Input Delay
🔨 All Powers Made in UEFN/ Creative 2.0
💀CURSED HEALING - Healing Will Have Negative Effect on Players
🚨ENEMY CHASER - Teleports in Enemy Box By Shooting Them
🏹SHIFTSIGHT - Disturbs Enemy Aim when They Shoot You
🚀UPGRADER - Upgrade Guns By Merging Two Guns of the Same Rarity
💨SMOKER - Smokes Nearby Players
🤕DISBALANCE - Has Ability to Break Enemy Balance
💣REVENGER - Bomb Nearby Enemy Upon Dying
最大人数: 16
最大チーム数: 16 (最大 16 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能