![【注目の島】TUBBY 2 [HORROR]](https://uefn.fnjpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/thumbnail-9267-6977-9907.jpeg)
注目の島 - TUBBY 2 [HORROR]
Explore an old Hospital!
Repair doors, search for tools and find all the Secrets!!
Can you escape Tubby the correct way? (there are 2 possible endings)
By bambiiii88
🔒2 Endings
After a long night in the woods, you're finally on the road, trying to find a way back into the city.
There are already lights visible from behind the trees, meaning civilization must be close!
But not everything is as expected...
You are stranded in front of what appears to be an old Hospital.
The only way you can survive the cold night is to seek shelter inside.
Can you find all the secrets and escape this cursed place the right way?
最大人数: 4
最大チーム数: 1 (最大 4 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能