注目の島 - Zombie Battle Tycoon
🏚️Build your base!
🧟 Fight zombie waves!
🔄 Rebirth to get new options!
By MacSpaceman
🧟Survive endless zombie waves!
💥Fast paced action!
🛻 Use vehicles to crush zombies and other enemies!
🔥Defend your base from creepy creatures!
🌍 Explore the map to find resources and unlock cool goodies!
🔄 Rebirth your plot to get awesome new features!
💾 Rebirth progress is saved!
🏚️ Build your awesome rusty hideout!
🔫 Try out the new Chapter 5 weapons!
🔧 Customize your weapons to make them even cooler!
🛠️ Made with UEFN and Verse!
最大人数: 4
最大チーム数: 4 (最大 4 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能