注目の島 - 🔴MARVEL VS DC🔵
Secret area of the map that will be revealed once enough players have participated!
FREE! Solo version NPC's to fight against you... Careful they are accurate and intense but help with aiming and piece control.😀
Tons of fun with lotto wheels and Super Powers!🎡🦹
By XxFN-JoexX
This game is based off of a traditional style Red v Blue mixed with a Marvel/DC comic structure. It includes a ranking system, lotto wheels, super powers and all up to date weaponry. You Start with 100 gold and there is a gift box that grants you gold every 5 minutes that you check in, and the amounts keep getting larger every time!🤯. You also get 20 gold every 5 minutes and an additional 10 gold per elimination (NPC's included).🤩
最大人数: 20
最大チーム数: 2 (最大 20 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能