注目の島 - Kips 1v1 Build Fights
Select your weapons at the start you keep them between games!!!
Ranked System from Bronze to Unreal
Including a Stats Board & Ranked BackBlings.
(Backblings can be turned on at the Glows Section)
Made in UEFN!
Find any bugs send it to @thekip18 on Tiktok or Instagram.
By Code thekip
✨️ 1v1 with friends or other random people on your server!!!
✨️ Chapter 5 Season 4 Loot!
✨️ No Build Event Added!
✨️ 18 Ranks Added From Bronze to Unreal! Including a Stats Board &
Ranked BackBlings.
✨️ (Backblings can be turned on at the
Glows Section)
✨️ Weapons will save between rounds so you don't have to keep picking them.
✨️ New Weapons and other Stuff added Weekly!
✨️ Created in UEFN!
最大人数: 12
最大チーム数: 12 (最大 12 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能