注目の島 - Realistic Box Fight (2v2) 📦
Win 15 fights to win a round
Box Fight the enemy duo and practice your building and piece control.
ELO Ranked System. Gain more points for eliminating players with a higher rank. Lose less points when losing against higher ranked players.
By Fínest
📦 Practice box fight map
⭐ 40 diferent box fight areas to fight in
💪 Improve your box fighting skills
🔫 Up to date loadout selector
🕒 0 Wait time
👥 Play with a friend Good for Duos
👥 Great 2v2 Box Fight Practice with duo
✏️ Made with UEFN / Creative 2.0
最大人数: 4
最大チーム数: 5 (最大 4 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能