注目の島 - 🌎WORLD BOX PVP📦
It's a free-for-all in this Box Fights game!
Can you beat everyone with Every country?
Have fun!
By anaZyro
📦Box Fight Map with POWERS for every country!
🌎16 Different Countries (More coming soon!)
📱 INDIA - Annoy other players with SPAM CALLS!
🐉 CHINA - Unleash a DRAGON into your enemies!
👻 SAUDI ARABIA - Create a CLONE of yourself before going INVISIBLE!
⛓️ RUSSIA - Send the player who eliminated you to the GULAG!
...and more!
最大人数: 16
最大チーム数: 16 (最大 16 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能