注目の島 - Lava Zone Wars | PWR
🌋 Relive the OG Floor is Lava LTM in this explosive twist on Zone Wars! 🔥
🎯 Start each round with a random loadout and use passive material gain and the increased gather rates to build to avoid the rising lava
🌐 Play with up to 16 players
By PWR Create
🌋 Floor is Lava is BACK!
🌐 16 Players - Zone Wars
🔥 Build to avoid the rising lava
🔫 Random Loadouts every round
🧱 Automatic Material Gain
🧠 Made in UEFN
最大人数: 16
最大チーム数: 16 (最大 16 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能