注目の島 - Sand Pit - All Weapons FFA
Test your skills and practice with all guns including Mythic and Exotic Weapons.
Eliminate players and climb the ranks to reach Unreal.
Use Perks to Dominate Arena.
By O-kunFN
Show your skills in this Giant Sand Box Arena. Build, unlock perks and use any gun to practice.
👥16 Player Free-For-All Arena
🔫All Weapons & Items - Mythic, Exotic & More
🏆Climb Ranks Bronze to Unreal
🔁Infinite Respawns, Endless Adrenaline
🧩Different Challenges with various Rewards.
🦸Unlock Perks & Claim The Vault Room
💥Eliminate Players and Dominate
💾Auto Save & Load for Your Progress
最大人数: 16
最大チーム数: 16 (最大 16 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能