注目の島 - 1V1 BOX FIGHTS OG
Reach 10 points to win!
Practice the most used style of play in fights!
A map with the essence of real Box Fight!
By C9 blackoutz
The 1v1 boxfight is a place in Fortnite where players can train their fighting, editing, piece control to evolve in championship and ranked matches.
⌛ minimum wait between rounds
⚔ classic loot
💚 185 life
🫵🏻 score 10 points before your opponent
A map made by a pro player who has won 21 championships, has created a Community and studies Fortnite daily to provide the best competitive experience with fun for players.
最大人数: 2
最大チーム数: 2 (最大 2 メンバー)
途中参加: 可能