注目の島 - 1V1 BUILDS FFA FFA Builds Fights MapFirst Person Mode and Normal ModeBest practice your pvp skills By Jaln XX 島コード: 1404-0096-4429 クリエイターをサポート: jaln お気に入...
注目の島 - Random 1v1 1v1 your friends with a random loadout each time you respawnTry out the new Box Fights Arena!Fixed bugs in the Box Fights Arena By PrettyKitty...
注目の島 - Cops vs Props Props must collect gold and deposit in Gold BusSpend Diamonds to buy weaponsCops can shoot at Props to stop them, but watch out for Prop Go...
注目の島 - ULTIMATE FORTNITE BOX PVP 📦 Select your superpower at the start of each roundGet 500 points to unlock a mythic OG superpowerHave fun ! By Y_Helal...