注目の島 - 🚩Capture the Flag: RvB 8v8 Defend your Flag with base upgradesTake your opponents Flag and make it back to your base to score!CUSTOM VEHICLES AND...
注目の島 - Galactic Assault: Mos Eisley Get 100 points as a team to win the roundPlay as a team with the rest of the players and try to achieve the common goalChoos...
注目の島 - WINDOW WARS Peek windows and ledges with FPS sights. Slide to cover, peek at the right moment and take your shot!Capture The Llama or TAG a mannequin for...
注目の島 - OLYMPUS DOMINATION: HUMAN VS DEMIGODS Be the first team to get 300 points to win the gamePlay as a team to complete the numerous challenges that this ope...
注目の島 - Jailbreak CTF OG Objective: Capture 3 Flags to win a round.The team that wins two rounds is the victor!Jailbreak:When captured, wait to be freed or find ...