注目の島 - Laga's Zone Wars Solos (C6S1) 最大32人までプレイ可能! / 32 Players Zone Wars!ストームエリアはランダムで変化します。 / Ramdom area start!そのシーズンの武器を選択可能。競技志向型ゾーンウォーズ。/ You can choose t...
注目の島 - Fortnight Zombies There are vending machines that offer perks to boost your health, damage, Shield and staminaThere are hidden weapon parts scattered acr...
注目の島 - Fortnight Zombies There are vending machines that offer perks to boost your health, damage, Shield and staminaThere are hidden weapon parts scattered acr...
注目の島 - First Person Combat - GULAG, SHIPMENT... Vote for different maps and combat twists!First team to 30 kills wins!Choose from these maps: GULAG, SHIPMENT, D...